What was I doing? What could I have been using these 3 items for?
Some of your answers included
Injured Fingers
Ice Sculptures
Cutting a Tree
Making our own Gingerbread house
Injured Fingers
Ice Sculptures
Cutting a Tree
Making our own Gingerbread house
Sorry to say noone was even close.
Perhaps this picture with a few more clues would have helped?
However, even if you guessed it then you would not be privledged enough to know the story behind the project...
What in the world was I thinking? Well, it was not ALL my fault...but we will leave that part out in the interest of staying married a few more years!
The bottom line is sawing METAL with a hand saw is a pain. A pain in your sawing hand (the glove) a pain in your "holding the miter box" hand (the pot holder) and a pain in your shoulder for about a week to come.
The moral? When you want something done, you want it done now, and noone around you seems to be on your same schedule....don't storm off in a huff, DO NOT go to ACE hardware and ask Bill, the helpful hardware man, how to do accomplish said task and under NO circumstance should you then go home and make 4 darn frames by yourself....
Instead...Simply smile and say
Yes Dear,
whenever you're ready dear,
that is fine dear,
have a nice day dear.
Ah ha! I knew it! But I still agree with the do it yourself approach.
OMG.. I LOVE THAT.. how the heck did you do it?
You are an amazement! Seriously! VERY, VERY impressive!
Hi, just jumping over from Heth's. Nice to "meet" you. I like a resourceful blogger who can saw her own frames. ?
A lot to be said about doing it yourself,on your own time,either manually or..... hiring it done :)
I glad to have the pictures and I love the work and determination you put into it, Terra.
Those turned out GREAT!
~Momma, The Casual Perfectionist
Girlfriend, remind me to tell you the story of the $6,000 paper towel holder some day. Just me and my power tools...and a drain pipe. Do I have you intrigued?...
I hear you on the "yes dear" thing. Way to go! Those frames did turn our super cute though!
so you are one of those patient people who can do that stuff?
Wanna be that when I grow up.
Awww.......love the yes dear ending to your post, how cute! The end project was very beautiful love your frame!
Way to go!! My 'yes dear' stories don't have the same happy endings as yours did!! They turned out great!
Those turned out great for what you went through to get them!
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