First it was a rock, on a playground, somewhere in Colorado.
Then it was a beloved pet riding home in a car, it became a treasured friend that was supposed to sleep in the doll cradle but ended up in the bed, and dutifully came down stairs to sit near by when the sun came up...

At breakfast time the real nourishment was pushed aside so the rock (now renamed Rocky) could have a bath before school

Shortly thereafter talks of a home for Rocky began, consipiring between sisters to make it a bed and a home in a box. Mom later found "he" doing this

And Voila - Now Rocky has a home within our home. No glass windows on this house.

Can't wait to see what Hailey says when she sees it. More later.....

Daddy made his little girl very happy.
The first thing she asked for was carpet and then she wants to paint it too.

She was dead set on wanting brown carpet so that is what she got...this rock may be around for at least a couple days!
oooo that is to cute!! Glad it doesn't have any glass :-P I like Rocky's name :-)
Poodle will be well loved!
You be sure and tell you dh that he is a WONDERFUL daddy. I love it - and look at how happy she is. It makes my heart so full of joy...and she's not even my daughter. :)
I am so loving this Rocky story! I want to go make little outfits for it.
How sweet was daddy for making that for his little girl!!
I think this may be a lasting relationship...maybe longer than 4 days!! LOL!
I think this is a story you will be talking about forever..maybe even pass along to her children.
I love the little house. So special for Daddy to make it for his little girl!
It made me wonder how much more our kids would use their imagination if they didn't have so much "stuff". When my Dad was little, he was very poor and the only boy with 9 sisters. He would use old wooden spools to make cars and trucks, and he loved it. He didn't know any different.
It's the perfect pet!! So will have to post when Rocky's house has been painted!!
okay, this is adorable. I am catching up and just read both posts. love hailey's face when she is checking out the house. so adorable!!!
That is too cute. My son has been carrying around a Lightning McQueen car (matchbox size) since 1-1/2. I'm convinced that's why he's favoring his left hand to eat, write, etc. Isn't it funny what kids get attached to?
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