I'm not, really. But I did find these two pictures I took when one of our trees was at the peak of Fall Colors! It was so pretty for about a week.

We don't usually get much of a fall here in Denver...but this year Winter took it's time coming to knock and made us wait well into November. It was bizarre, we still had Flys, Bees, spiders, Allergies and so much more at Thanksgiving -
We have only had a couple of snowy days since then and the WIND has been ridiculous.
So I say if we can't have winter, bring back fall...because this winter girl is not at all ready for spring or summer yet.
5 minutes later....somewhere between create new post and publish post I failed to look out the window - our slim little 30% chance for rain or snow today has actually hit and it is SNOWING, not just snowing but the WIND is still atrocious so it is Snowing and Blowing and it is beautiful, since it was a slim chance and it is so windy it will pry blow out of here before the girls get up but it is SNOW and I say BRING IT ON!
Be careful what you wish for or you might spend 2 1 /2 hours driving the 10 miles to school and back...ARGH....I LOVE THE SNOW, not the drivers - If you live in Colorado get a car that can handle it or stay your @88 home.
Yea! Snow! I love it!
Now I love me a good fall, but I love the snow. I miss the snow. Growing up in Chicago we had our fair share of snow. Now living in Columbus, we hardly get anything - okay, except for last year's crazy blizzard - but that was a total fluke.
We got a light dusting - may be an inch's worth overnight and my daughter was all like "Mom, make sure you check the tv to see if school's closed." I just laughed. But they're pretty pathetic here, so some days I wouldn't put it past them.
By the way, my grandfather lived in Denver for years and years - until he could't care for himself and he moved to Chicago so my Mom could take care of him. I love Denver. It's just beautiful out there.
I have never been much of a cold weather person, but while we lived in NJ, we had a tree in our front yard that turned the most beautiful shade of red in the fall. I do miss seeing that!
I'm back to my regularly scheduled programming (blogging). I've sure missed my daily catch-up with everyone!
a.) I do miss the fall as it my favorite time of year!
b.) be careful in all that snow, what a line of cars
c.) totally jealous as I want some snow over here and we keep falling short -- with ICE!
Okay, I feel for you - for having to be in the car for so long. But hey, you had your camera so it made for a good blog photo op, right? :)
Hopefully you had a warm cup of coffee with you while you crawled along. But I hear you on the drivers thing - being from Chicago, it's super annoying because people can't drive here. Ugh.
Ok..so I totally LOVE snow..but HATE to drive in it! When I was a teenager I lived in SLC and so I had to learn how to drive in the snow. It was hard b/c I am from the south where it hardly ever snows...just ices (which is MUCH worse). I don't know if I could do it anymore now or not! Although we did live in KS for a about 10 years during my DH's army career, and it snowed then..but I rarely drove it in!
So let me just say, that I am glad that there are people who want to live where it snows and you have to drive in it...give me the humidity anytime! LOL!
By the by...beautiful pictures!
The snow.. ugh. I love it. I hate it. And then I love it again.
I don't know how I lucked out, but it only took me 35 minutes for my 15 minute drive. I was soooo hoping for a couple snow days.
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