May 14, 2009

Tonsils, Adenoids and Surgery Oh My

Yes, we finally had our long awaited appointment with the Pediatric ENT. His office was part of a Children's Hospital Clinic and it was fantastic. The nurses, the receptionist they were all wonderful. After answering about a bazillion questions for the Nurse the Dr. came in to examine Hailey. She had a little fluid in one ear, probably from the latest round of sick, then he had her open her mouth and his first reaction was "woah - has Dr.(name withheld for privacy) talked to you about these?". I smiled and said - "A litle bit and that is why we are here." He said he had to see her adenoids and took us down the hall for an Xray.

Hailey was a champ, she sat perfectly still for the Xray - I didn't know she was capable of sitting perfectly still for longer than 5 seconds! Then the nurse walked us back to a room. The Dr. came in about 2 minutes later and said "HUGE" as he walked in. I asked to see the Xray and he was so kind - he pulled it up on the computer screen and explained exactly what I was looking at.

How could this child breathe I wondered? Her airway was so small because in one area it was obstructed by her tonsils and about a half an inch later her adenoids were pushing in on it from the other side.

Dr. Said that after surgery Hailey's voice would change - he said her whole life she has talked as if she "had a cold" this made me sad. I can't believe how long this poor girl has probably been totally suffering and can only hope that she will feel so much better after she recovers from the surgery!

Of all the people we know who have kids who had their tonsils and adenoids removed only one was given the "voice change" observation...I will be curious to see how that goes and if it breaks my heart.

Anyway, Hailey's surgery is scheduled for May 26th and well, I am trying not to think about it too much yet because when I do I totally wimp out and get all teary eyed.

Don't forget about the contest below, happy Thursday to you!


Pam said...

Oh no! Poor little thing. Surgery is scary for parents to think about, but I'm sure she will feel so much better when it's over.

Anonymous said...

Poor little Hailey and poor mommy...she will do great and so will you -!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are getting some answers for Hailey! I just know she will feel so much better once she is recovered. Make sure you get a good recording of her so you can always remember her "first" voice. How long is the recovery for the surgery? Is it outpatient?

Unknown said...

Aww Terra, poor little Hailey. I know it's scary. Adrienne had her tonsils/adenoids removed when she was 6 nearly 7, and I was a mess. It changed her life, she stopped snoring, she could breathe better too. The best was no more strep throat, she had it 6 or 7 times the winter before her surgery, no lie.
Hailey will be fine, and you will be too, it's just harder for us parents. Are they doing it outpatient?

Alicia said...

Oh, no! Let me know if/how I can help when surgery time comes ~ I owe you one, for sure! Getting a recording of her voice is a great idea! It was so hard to hear a new voice! I wasn't prepared for that at all.

The Fritz Facts said...

Poor Hailey! The girl will feel and sleep so much better, but still.

I am keeping you in my head, thinking of you and Hailey!! You will both do great!!!

Krape Family said...

I am so glad you are finally getting some answers. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers on the 26th!!

Allison said...

I know it must be hard, but at least now you have answers and that has to be a relief!

jen@odbt said...

What a relief to finally have answers. I know the surgery will be tough...probably more on you than Hailey but just think how much better she'll feel. The same thing happened to my nephew and a friend's daughter - they are doing great and can actually breathe!

Candi said...

Poor thing! She will feel so much better afterward though. Andrew had his removed when he was younger and he slept so much better. It was like a different child was born. He was less cranky just because he got more sleep, or at least he was able to enjoy a deeper sleep. He snored so loudly and often woke up from almost choking in his sleep before he had surgery. It will be worth it...I promise!
His voice never changed btw!

Courtney said...

I will be praying for your little princess and you too. try not to worry!! But I am glad you met with the doctor and have some answers.

Jen @ said...

Your poor Hailey. I am sure the surgery will go well and you will be glad you did it.

And how fun to go golfing - what a great sport to know. Maybe they will become the next Tiger Woods!


Becky said...

I'm so thankful that they found something that will make her better. Scary as it is, she will be a much happier little girl. She has been such a little trooper.

Bonnie said...

I love her little voice but just knowing she will FEEL so much better must be such a relief.

I know surgery is scary but everyone will be ok..

Let me know if there is anything we can do!!

Wendy said...

This may sound odd, but hooray for surgery! So many docs these days won't take out tonsils and kids have to go through years of suffering because of it. It's great that this problem is going to be taken care of early on. I'm sure it's going to be much tougher on Mommy than on Hailey...

Kim H. said...

The poor baby -- but I'm glad she'll find relief sooner than later. And you know, we'll be praying like crazy on the 26th -- and I know you'll keep us posted.

Give Hailey an extra hug from Mommy's bloggy friend and tell her I am so proud of how brave she was!