We are really counting them down now! 4 more days.
I took a
short super long trip down memory lane - man how time flies. I do love looking at old pictures but I also tend to get lost in nastalgia and, well, that can can be a real time killer!

Lauren after we opened this for her at her first Christmas December 2000. She was just about 6 months old!

Mommy and Lauren Christmas morning 2001 - 18 months...she is poiting at the gifts! We had this Christmas in the mountains! It is hard to package everything and get it up there so we started having Christmas morning at home then traveling up! Maybe when the girls are a little older we will have some Christmas mornings up there again!

This was one of my favorite Christmas Dresses - it was a sweater dress and so simple but cute! Both girls got a chance to wear it so that was great! This was Christmas 2002 Lauren was 2 1/2.

Christmas 2003 - Lauren was 3 1/2 just a tad older than Hailey is now! Doesn't she look nice? Hailey won't wear this dress...Miss Sensitive says it scratches her neck and makes her tummy stick out...Oh boy.

Christmas 2004 - Lauren is 4 1/2 - How did that happen? She had gotten quite the reputation for wearing some flashy shoes to Grandma's Christmas Parties...these were my favorites. Only wish you could see them better! Wonder if they are in the basement for Hailey?

And then there were two! Oh my goodness, two sisters - suddenly getting Christmas Pictures got so much harder. Lauren is 5 1/2 here and Hailey is 4 months old. Poor little thing...who stuck that hat on her head? Wasn't me was it? (shhhhhhh)

2006 came and went in a flash, Hailey grew up so fast and became such a little person! Just 16 months in this picture with her sister at 6 1/2 in their Christmas Sweaters. I loved those Sweaters - They were both so soft and cozy, Hailey's was a little big but so cute!

This picture was taken before Grandma's "last" Christmas Party. Christmas 2007 the girls were 7 1/2 and 28 months (almost 2 1/2). After many years of hosting Christmas Parties MANY years...Grandma is taking some pressure off and enjoying it! Make sure you peek at those cute shoes on those little feet!

And here we are. Christmas 2008 - Two sisters 8 1/2 and almost 3 1/2 - two sisters that could not possibly have two more opposite personalities each with their own twists and turns on the road of parenthood but each bringing so much love and joy into our home!
Merry Christmas Everyone
I love seeing all of these Christmas outfits. And boy is their hair color gorgeous or what?
They are just too precious...thanks for the trip down memory lane!
All that time seems to have gone by so fast....Wouldn't miss time with those girls for anything. Thanks for letting us be involved, Terra. They are great kids and you guys are wonderful parents.
It is amazing to me how you could rustle up all those photos for a post - you are amazingly organized! :)
I love the picture of the plaid skirt and little sister is looking up at big sister - priceless.
My favorite, has to be your 2008 photo. The sweaters adorable, and yes, like the wise Mrs. Laura said, that hair - it's gorgeous. You can't get color like that from a bottle....although I'd like to try! :)
Oh I love this idea! I want to do this.
They are beautiful!! love the pics.
that makes me tear up and they are not even my children!! i hate how fast they grow and seeing them all lined up just really smacks you in face!!
merry christmas - beautiful children!!
Beautiful, beautiful girls - all 3 of you.
what a beautiful family you have Terra...everyone keeps telling me time goes by so fast enjoy every moment!! I'm starting to believe everyone!!
Ah this is so sweet and your girls are beautiful! This was such a great idea and I am sure you enjoyed traveling down memory lane...
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