December 9, 2008

hailey's dress

Ok, so the previously mentioned Christmas dress is finally here! It was all about Lauren there for a while (then all about me for a while) and now on to a little Hailey. Each year my mom buys the girls beautiful Christmas dresses! They look forward to it and wear them proudly. Lauren has not had an opportunity to wear hers yet this year but she will. Hailey got to wear hers to the Nutcracker (remember that??)

I believe this was a Biscotti dress from Nordstroms!

And this little princess is always pointing her toes!

Look at that happy smile Grams! Oh, and check out that hair in the mirror. What a lucky girl!

And now she poses in first position, quite deliberately - with her...

Yes those are Stuart Wietzmans...Yes they are....
And I leave with a few cute pictures that I just had to post....

Lets call this her "pouty face"

And this we will call her "flirty face"

And finally - the "Sassy Look"

Now, for a little fill in - For those of you who don't know us personally...Our girls are blessed to have some very wonderful clothes and shoes (better than most of my own!!) I have to put a little caveat in here of the reasons Grandma buys them such beautiful things is simply because she can - she made most of her own clothes growing up and a large majority of mine in my early years - it is a real treat for her to buy these things now. That said, she is also VERY conscience of the fact that we don't want the girls growing up spoiled or braggy...the girls don't know who Stuart Weitzman is, or where Burberry comes from and they don't ask or beg for things! Somehow, we managed to raise two girls that are at least somewhat thankful for what they have and humble when given the opportunity to buy something at a store. Don't ask me how, because I can't tell you...I am just blessed in this department (but not in others!!)


Bonnie said...

Sometimes I wish I had a little girl to dress up... Hailey is so beautiful. How can one little girl have all the luck? Beautiful hair, beautiful skin..on and on and on. Of course she has such a pretty mommy.. and a handsome Dad too!

Anonymous said...

The dress is beautiful, the shoes are beautiful and Hailey is beautiful!! My favorite picture?? The sassy look!!