Sorry Ladies I am not here to talk about an amazing product I found to stop the formation of the hideous ones around my face...
Do you remember this I love Laundry? Well then here goes:
I am here to talk about the ridiculous ones in my daughters sheets. The sheets on our bed are fine and wrinkle free but they only make them in fancy, deep, boring old adult colors.
READ ON at Mile High Mamas
Um, honey, laundry IS my pet peeve!
Wrinkle-free sheets?...Have you tried a jersey knit type sheet. I have those for my boys and they are wonderful. You can get those pretty much anywhere. I think I got them theirs at JCP.
You can also look at The Company Store or Lands End -- at least both places have awesome return policies if you're not happy even after you've tried them.
And if it makes you feel better, I know someone who actually boils her pillowcases -- puts on a fresh one EVERY day and irons them too. Now that's a bit over the top, but she claims it's good for your skin. Sounds exhausting to me.
That is WAY over the top for me! WAY!
You're a much better momma than I am. I just want their sheets to be clean.
I just pretend the wrinkles are invisible...
I like wrinkes. They give things a "lived in" look...
How exciting - good for you! I am going over to have a look-see.
I know a lady that IRONS her sheets...but then she is from France!
I'm sorry...but I don't mind the wrinkles. By the time I hit the bed...I am way to tired to notice if my sheets are wrinkled or not!
Is that bad?!
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