November 19, 2008

Poetry Tag

Bonnie had a great post about her missing deck that started a flurry of comments and poems...I thought it would be fun to play a game of Poetry Tag...I will post the first 4 lines you all comment with 4 more (ignore others and just post your own 4 or more) and I will put them all together and post the final poem soon, very soon. Please play!

I haven't wrapped a present yet
I don't know when I will
My kids will surely faint, I bet
When the tree is empty still


you can add 4 or more to it or make your own first 4 or more lines of a holiday poem - whatever feels right to you, just do it.


Krape Family said...

Please give me one more hour of sleep
I am sure there will be sales that can't be beat
I need to start shopping, get on my way
Otherwise I won't have any time to play

Bonnie said...

Thanksgiving is but a week away..
And yet my mind has gone a bit astray..
I have so many presents to buy..
Can't decide on anything..oh my!
I must get my rear into gear..
Before you know it, it will be over until next year!!!

Anonymous said...

Budget, budget, budget…that’s all I hear...
The stock market has crashed and caused so much fear...
But the retailers have GREAT deals!!

Beth said...

My fate is getting clearer
I'll have to stay up all night
wrapping, stuffing, trimming,
ensuring their delight!