September 26, 2008

Note to self

Note to self....

Never set chicken out to begin the defrost process in the evening....and if you do please remember to rescue it when you wake up at 3am

I wish I had a stop watch so I could time all those stupid tasks that I dread and put off, that ultimately clutter up the house and realistically probably take less than 1 minute to finish

Shoes worn at school all day should not be placed in the dance bag and then forgotten about for 2 days

It is not a good idea to keep pulling your daughters tights out of the hamper for each dance class, eventually she is bound to notice that you have not done laundry in a ridiculous amount of time...

When you promise to help at school remember that sometimes you just wont want to and that is OK too (just come up with a good fib to get out of it)

If your home mortgage is with Washington Mutual you still have to pay it even though the company was just seized by the government in the latest move of an absolutely grim outlook for the good ole USA (bummer)

That table that you moved from the playroom to the family room has become a storage pot for junk...time to move it again

Fetch and Oaf need to go...but what on earth will you put in there place? And what will girls fight over to sit on? and will that carpet underneath it ever perk back up?

It is 6:05 and if you don't get in the shower now you will regret it for the rest of the day...

Blog Show and Tell...don't forget to email your friends and start this phenomena - could be fun....

Throw away the sticky note that started this blog...

Attention Nintendo...Wii still don't have any rockstars in our house - though we have the Wii Drums, Wii Guitars, Wii microphone and Wii RockBand game...Too bad can't buy some Wii talent too...

Buy stock in minute maid as long as Hailey is alive they will never feel the pain of an economic downturn

Don't ever get another dog - and why does the one you have insist on dragging dried poop into the house with him?

I love my kindel - just wish I didn't hate amazon so much

I did get a is now 6:34 - my kids are sleeping and I should wake them but I don't want to

Lauren still wants a fish...

I wish I had kept that receipt from King Soopers Monday so I could just exactly what cost so much money...I mean fresh fruit, cheese, milk, OJ and lunch meat should not add to $75? Should it?

Maybe I will keep next weeks receipt.

And just because whatever Becky asks for Becky is the socks on the bumper story: So we are driving down the road (in a cone zone) and the guy behind me keeps honking and waving at me...because I have two children in the car I am doing my best to ignore him when suddenly he weaves into the cones and gets so close to me I think he is going to hit me...he is still I roll down my window (heart in stomach) thinking something must be seriously wrong. He says "you have a pair of socks on your bumper" I laugh it off, pull over at the next opportunity, retrieve my socks (YES MINE...not my childrens) and get back in the car to hear Lauren say "well mom, that was a real BUMPER" (in case you need was a play on words...bumper for bummer) I suppose that story was worth a chuckle even several months later....

I can't see Alaska from my house and I still want $700 billion....

In case you joined me late in the day (or several days later...don't miss the post below this one!)


Becky said...

Hahahaha! That one always cracks me up! Almost as funny as the "what Becky wants, bla bla bla..." I'm STILL waiting for that pealed grape I asked you for months ago!!

Terra said...

You better be careful what you wish for.

hannah said...

Dang! I wondered if people would have to still pay if their mortgage company went under. Good to know!

Krape Family said...

I want you to know that I love your blog and am so glad that you joined the blogging world.

Alicia said...

We just bought a new fish this weekend!!! We bought a crown-tail beta (see my last post for pictures). It's only $6 from PetSmart and doesn't require a fancy fish tank ~ just a bowl of clean, conditioned water. They live a long time ~ our last one was three years old ~ and you barely have to feed it...couple times a week ~ it will die if you over-feed it.

Bonnie said...

Love the blog... I laughed out loud at some of them, in the meantime Mark is yelling at the TV. I'm going to have to ban him from watching CNN. I feel guilty that we don't have any pets.. the boys want fish also! Keep blogging, I enjoy it so much.