If you answered yes, could you please educate Colorado?
If you answered no, shame on you!
We left at 9am (the storm was supposed to hit between noon and 9pm) we were trying to get out before it got bad...
We failed and this is what we faced:
When we left town it was not snowing, but shortly there after we saw this

notice the cars in the wrong places? We were too far out of town to make an easy turn around so we sat...there were no near by exits.
60 minutes later - the four lane highway down to one - this is what we could see in the other 3 lanes...

So we sat tight and waited, a police officer showed up... what for exactly I am not sure - but at least he tried.

We eventually passed this only to find this up ahead

After this, we finally hit an exit we could take to head home and so we did.
We had been in the car nearly 2 hours and only made it about 30 minutes away from home.
On the way home we got to see this (I don't think they were just friends chatting in the ditch)
So much of a bummer, when people don't equip their cars and then proceed to drive in adverse conditions. If is wasn't for the rest of the drivers, we'd all be sitting in the mountains right now!
Just glad we are all safe.
Woah.... That is some serious scariness! I have a big honkin SUV - but it's still scary to drive in the middle of a snowstorm. I'm glad you are okay!
It's been snowing here today too, but nothing like that! We are heading up to Idaho in about 10 minutes, I hope the roads don't look like that!
Oh, my...and I hope you weren't the one driving while taking those pics. haha. I hope tomorrow works out better for ya.
O. My. Gosh. I am now thankful for the rainy, chilly, but SNOW-FREE Pennsylvania spring. UGH!
Holy crap! That is some scary driving. Glad you made it home safe.
I live in MN and drivers here STILL don't know how to drive in the snow. There are always cars in the ditch, no matter how much warning there is and how many of storms we have already had this year.
Glad you were able to get home safe!
What highway were you on? That looks horrible. I think everyone in CO was trying to get somewhere at the same time.
I am so glad you are safe and sound! Those photos are nuts! My husband gets so annoyed when unprepared people are on the roads. we drove home from Boston to Philadelphia trying to beat a blizzard, but ran into right as we crossed the Pa line. We prayed, went slow, and trusted the tires and 4wheel drive. We made it, but saw some similar situations on the roads!
P.S. the girls looks like they are having so much fun!
WOW! That is a big mess and a lot of snow. I'm commenting now b/c I'm unplugging tomorrow. That's right. No blogging. I am already suffering from withdrawal. Have a great weekend friend! Hope the snow does not stop your plans.
4 hours! That's insane.
I mean I'm glad you're safe and home and all, but you must have nerves of steel.
Be careful when you venture out tomorrow, kay?!
I am glad you guys made it home safe! I am with you.. you think they are bad in Colorado.. think about Virginia ;-)
Oh, man that looks bad. I bet at least one of you had to pee during most of the trip, too. :)
What a MESS! Should be a much better drive today. I wonder how many of those cars you'll pass on the way that are still stuck on the side of the road. Have fun.
Wow, my stomach was in knots just looking at those pictures. That's scary! SO glad I live in North Carolina!!! :)
Wow, even more pictures than what you emailed me. Those really tell the story well. It is hard to believe your experience when up here in Winter Park it snowed all day, and yes the wind blew but everyone got around just fine.
Good luck with your drive today.
OMG Terra -at least you made it home safely. Crazy people out there!!!
Hi Terra- I really like this post- great idea- thanks for the comment on my blog- hope it helps- I plan to follow u on twitter!
Where did you find your "Tera signature" is there an application that does it for you? like it
OH my goodness...I guess I should have started at the bottom and worked my way up! Tooooo much snow for me!!
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