Lauren had try outs tonight and she will be a Fairy and a Mermaid!
She is so excited and so are we!
I can not wait
Now on to more pressing business...what was the story?
First let me say one of you actually just about got it spot on right!
No it wasn't those of you who think I write like a 3 year old,
or those who are busying dialing social services right now.
Though Kim could have been right she wasn't -
it was Bonnie - Yes Dear Bonnie you were darn close.
It was Thanksgiving Day 2003, Grandma Mary had come to visit, the turkey was cooking, mom was doing something on her computer for a few minutes, Lauren was watching and a couple minutes later Lauren was snoring!
(oh, and though it may resemble one, that is not a uniform - just a dress!!!)
She looks like I feel...tired, but must. keep. blogging. reading. internet-ing. ;)
What a cutie.
YEAH LAUREN!!!! WE ARE SO EXCITED FOR YOU! We can't wait to see this performance, too!
Congrats, Lauren!!!!! I love Peter Pan! I bet she is flying...on cloud 9, that is!
Congratulations to Laure - how exciting!!!
And funny picture. That's usually my picture, but AFTER I've eaten my turkey!
That picture is so adorable.
Congratulations! Little Lauren...
Three cheers for Lauren! Can't wait to see the ballet.
Go Lauren..Can't wait to see this one. I can't believe I was right or close to right.. do I win a prize? haha
Yeah for Lauren!
Aww yes...the dreaded turkey with tryptophan...works everytime!
How exciting! Can't wait to hear & see all about the performance.
I wish I could fall asleep that quickly.
Sweet photo! Thanks for the nice comment on my blog!
Congrats to Lauren!!! I am so excited for her. Awesome news.
Congratulations - that is exciting! I secretly hope that my girls get into theater because I never had the guts to... ;)
Thanks also for your kind words about my Grandma. :)
So, so exciting for Lauren!!! Congrats! You must be bursting with pride!!!
And you must take LOTS and LOTS of pictures to share!! :)
And the story of Hailey falling asleep is just precious!
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