So it was Wednesday Morning - 5:11 AM and I was awakened by a gentle little MA MA, MA MA (ok, it wasn't so gentle)
I rolled over to a devil child sweet little Hailey by my bedside "what do you need Hailey?"
"Um, Ma Ma, My clock is going crazy"
So I look over and sure enough mine is too...blinking 3:11am blink, blink, blink...OMG - grab the Blackberry, see what time it really is and say to Hailey "that's ok, mine is too. Go back to bed and we will fix it in the morning" (uh, it is morning but it worth a try to get her to go back to bed anyway!)
Off she toddles - and "he" moans "Just so you know it is not 3:11 in the morning" - Thanks for the reminder honey as if Hailey and her MA MA's weren't enough
SO I learned that I need some 9 volts so my clocks (or at least hers) won't GO CRAZY when the power goes out.
I learned that I SO can't stand being called MA MA over and over again...I love Jan and Stan but
Mama mama mama (inside outside upside down) comes to mind and I don't want to be MA MA.
And since MA MA has carried on through out the week and now "he" is doing his best Hick impersonation and calling me MA MA and himself PAAAA (with a big drawl) I am about sick of MA MA
SO there you have it. I need a whole lot of 9 volts and a little less MA MA.
I can just see your face when he calls you "Ma" and him "Pa".. from an outsiders view it is kind of funny though.
I can see the annoyance though when it comes from a 3yr old early in the morning, even if she is so darn cute.
That's funny Terra..maybe not to you...but to me...yes.
I've always wondered what it would be like to have a sweet little voice call me MaMa - now I know.
o yea.. gotta have those 9V.. we learned that lesson when the one in our fire alarm died and proceeded to beep every 5 minutes starting around 2 am. Until my husband threw it into the garage :-P
I am with you on the ma ma.. Sammy still calls me that.. Im ready to be mommy now :-) Tell Paw to cut you some slack ;-)
I keep threatening to change my name! LOL. To something they can't pronounce! LOL.
Oh and 9 volts are always good to have!
Happy Tuesday
Don't you just hate those odd size batteries especially when you need them at odd times?
Once our smoke alarm went off in our first apartment (pre-kids) and it needed a special battery. The apt staff would replace it, but not at 2 in the morning, so we left our apt and went to my brother's place to sleep...I know pretty pathetic!
Hailey must be a really light sleeper or an early riser. We'd be so screwed if our power went out...I don't think any of our clocks have battery backup.
My parent call each other Ma and Pa and the kids think it's so funny.
You know, it could have been worse. The Ma Ma Ma could have been followed up by an adorable child throwing up on you. Not that that's ever happened to anyone I know...
Sounds like the parents on "Little House on the Prairie"! Do you know what I am talking about!
I don't have 9 volts either...maybe I should invest in some too!
Too funny - though we've also had alarm clock issues so I know it's not funny at the moment. :)
I love that quote you have in your header - I've used it in a photobook before and it is just perfect for having 2 girls. The first time I came to your blog I noticed that and was so impressed that you worked it into your design. Have a great day!
Oh, but Maa and Paa have such a nice ring to them. It makes me think of Laura Ingalls Wilder!
I totally need less "ma's", but the ones I hear are more like "maaaaaahhhmmmmm" It can drive a girl crazy!
Sleeeeppp . . .must have sleepp....
At least she wasn't calling you Moo and him Poo... .
Have a good one.
My daughter does the Mama thing. Drives me nuts. Actually, she says "mum-mum" - when she wants something or is trying to be cute or something. GACK!!
Cute little voice aren't so cute in the middle of the night. BUt I hope my kids NEVER stop callinng me mamma! (Grandpa is Pa in our family!)
My daughters have started calling me Mother - I feel like I am in a victorian time warp!
It's never fun to be woken up at 5:00 in the morning. At least she went back to bed!
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