Hailey had a big day, she was sporting a fever around 100.8
A brand new outfit from Grams (that she had to wear even though it was 32 degrees out and she had a fever) And she busied herself with scissors and glue for nearly an HOUR! What a treat.
Messy? Not so much. But super fun to photograph a normally rambunctious Hailey getting down to business!
Your Mom has the best taste. Do you think I could hire her to help with my wardrobe. Of course Hailey would look good in anything. Did you look like her when you were little. I would love to see pics of you at that age to see who the girls resemble. How amazing for a 3yo to sit and play for that long. I love when the boys do that because it is so rare!
You can't tell she has a fever from the photos - she's concentrating so hard (reminds me of my daughter). I hope she's feeling better. Terra, glue on the carpet??
Cute outfit! Love the print! She does look hard at work. I love it when they concentrate so hard on a task! Max does that all the time.
Great pictures Terra - glad the clothes fit. An hour is a long time for Miss H.
Look at her get down to business! Way to go Haily!
Your Mom has the best taste. Do you think I could hire her to help with my wardrobe. Of course Hailey would look good in anything. Did you look like her when you were little. I would love to see pics of you at that age to see who the girls resemble.
How amazing for a 3yo to sit and play for that long. I love when the boys do that because it is so rare!
Bonnie - you'll have come check out the family albums. We can embarass Terra a little! :) Hailey does look like Terra did when she was little.
You can't tell she has a fever from the photos - she's concentrating so hard (reminds me of my daughter). I hope she's feeling better. Terra, glue on the carpet??
That is an adorable outfit! And I loved the Handy Manny tools in the background...
Cute outfit! Aren't grams wonderful! I sure hope she feels better soon!
love her outfit. hailey is so stylish. I love it!
Super cute outfit. Nice pick Grams :-) Love her little craft she put together.
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